Xylocats™ Ancestral NFT Collection

Greetings Earthling, welcome to the Xylocats™ Ancestral NFT Collection. For an overview of the Xylocat™ NFT project please read the About page for a broader context. This NFT is minting while supplies last.

Technical Details & Background

The Ancestral collection is an ERC721 compatible NFT smart contract on the Ethereum mainnet (homestead) blockchain. It was deployed on 6/10/2023 and features 1,337 unique images of cats in space. The mint price was 0.1 eth. This is the first collection to be released by Xylocats™ in preparation of a much larger collection release. The creator of the project Hex Luthor has decades of software engineering experience. All systems and code are carefully tested and developed to enterprise grade standards however any experienced professional will tell you there is no replacement for a live production test. The Ancestral NFTs are essentially "Collection 0" which will allow for a full system test of websites, APIs and underlying systems before the Eclipse collection launches. The Ancestral collection will be fully supported just like any other NFT collection from Xylocats™.

NFT Images

Below are some image samples of the Ancestral collection. For a general overview of our view on NFTs as art please read the Artistic Statement. The collection features basic cats in space without anything else such as armor, clothing or artifacts. The lack of accompanying gear for these cats is a feature that will distinguish these images from every other collection. The full collection can be browsed here.

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Artistic Value

The artistic value of this collection is derived from several factors. The factors are that it is the first of many collection to be created by Xylocats™. It is a much smaller collection, the standard size going forward will be 10,000 images instead of 1,337. Supply and demand economics would interpret this as a supply side shortage which should increase the price. This however will be balanced by the rudimentary quality of the images compared to 10,000 strong NFT collections. The cats in these images are unique, the images have wonderful compositions and content, the future collections however will be much more polished and will have a different distinctive look and theme. Lastly these images should be considered in the same way that an artist's early work is considered. The images have been curated to be rudimentary on purpose to represent the early stages of a traditional artist such as a painter or sculptor.