XYLO-(ˈzaɪloʊ; ˈzaɪlə)That from which something comes into existence, source, or origin.
Ancient philosopher of the Pleiades
ca. 137,952 X.C.
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import { ethers } from "/js/ethers-5.2.esm.min.js";
import * as walljs from '/js/walletintegration.js';
// init event listeners
window.addEventListener("load", async () => {
// connect to the wallet
btnConnectWallet.addEventListener('click', walljs.connectWallet);
// fire event if the user changes the chains
window.ethereum.on('chainChanged',walljs. handleChainChanged);
// handle account change
window.ethereum.on('accountsChanged', walljs.w3AccountsChanged);
// if the wallet has been connected to the site then update the UI
}, false);